Ps 61 > 4 Praising Hats

Many people have come across the writing of Edward de Bono on the notion of “Six Thinking Hats.” The idea, which is presented within many other paradigms as well (e.g. Myers-Briggs), is that we put ourselves in particular points of reference to consider various aspects of a question, decision, or topic, in order to ensure that we’ve addressed relevant factors which might lay outside of our normal patterns of thinking.

In Psalm 61, we get a model of “4 Praising Hats”—as the psalmist takes us through several aspects of the character of God, in order to ensure that our faith and our praise is equally well-rounded and our approach to God is comprehensive. Continue reading

This Week: Psalms 60 & 61

Two more steps this week: Psalm 60 (12 verses) and 61 (8 verses).

Psalm 60 opens with some really challenging notions about the activity of God toward those who consider themselves to be His children. Then Psalm 61 follows with declarations of His obvious protection and preservation.

Both are true…and it will be a journey to understand God through each of these passages this week.