Ps 61 > 4 Praising Hats

Many people have come across the writing of Edward de Bono on the notion of “Six Thinking Hats.” The idea, which is presented within many other paradigms as well (e.g. Myers-Briggs), is that we put ourselves in particular points of reference to consider various aspects of a question, decision, or topic, in order to ensure that we’ve addressed relevant factors which might lay outside of our normal patterns of thinking.

In Psalm 61, we get a model of “4 Praising Hats”—as the psalmist takes us through several aspects of the character of God, in order to ensure that our faith and our praise is equally well-rounded and our approach to God is comprehensive. Continue reading

This Week: Psalms 116 & 117

    What’s so praiseworthy about our God?

If you’re not sure how to answer that question, many of the Psalms, especially the recent ones in our reading plan, provide quite a number of reasons.

As we head into two more Psalms this week, Ps 116 (19 verses) and Ps 117 (2 verses; the shortest chapter in the Bible!), we are again confronted with the refrain, “Praise the Lord!” Verse after verse provides reasons why we should praise Him–the content of His character and the deeds of His hands.

May this week’s journey provide a reminder for you about our worship worthy God!

Ps 111 > God’s Character Summary

    In the introductory post for this week, I mentioned that Ps 111, although it may be unfamiliar, contains a large number of recognizable truths about God that we encounter throughout the Psalms and elsewhere in the Bible. In reading it today, I labeled it in my Bible as “God’s Character Summary.” When you’re looking for 10 verses to share with others what God is like (or to remind yourself), Ps 111 seems like a good place to go.

God is…

* v.2 > a doer of great works (and we should study those works)

* v.3> splendid & majestic

* righteous

* v.4 > gracious & compassionate

* v.5 > provider

* eternally faithful

* v.6 > knowable; He’s revealed Himself

* v.7 > true & just

* wise

* v.8 > a speaker of words that last

* a ruler in truth and uprightness

* v.9 > redeemer

* holy & awesome

Did we leave anything out?

This divine CV is bracketed by two verses related to our response to the reality of who God is: v.1 & v.10 declare our need to thank and praise this God, to know Him, fear Him, and obey Him.

Psalm 111: here’s who God is, and here’s what we should do–a most fitting starting and ending place for our faith and worship.